End-user Computing: The future of workspaces


2 min read

As the pandemic influenced PC and laptop sales, there has been an imminent need for IT departments to think about the future and make employees productive, irrespective of their office or home environment. This is where end-user computing (EUC) comes into the picture.

What is end-user computing (EUC)? End-user is a term that refers to the computer systems and platforms used by non-programmers to create working computer applications.

Significant components of EUC: Physical desktop computing Virtual desktop computing Mobile computing Types of EUC: Desktop computers and notebooks Tablets, smartphones, wearable devices, etc. Web and mobile applications, cloud applications Remote desktops and applications Desktop operating system and applications Scripting languages – Robotic desktop automation (RDA) Importance of EUC in the modern era End User Computing’s have become exponential in the current scenario, urging the companies to revamp their operations. Some of the significant benefits of EUCs are as follows:

Collaboration and productivity: With VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) or DaaS (Desktop as a Service) in play, companies can use the technologies to deliver desktops, data and applications to the end-users.

Enhanced automation: Automating operations through EUCs could reap considerable benefits in the computing environment. These include improving efficiency, reducing employees’ workload, and making them focus on other high-priority tasks.

Centralized management: One of the worst nightmares for an IT administrator comes from maintaining hundreds of physical computers connected to the server. With EUC, you have a centralized location for installing updates, applications, security patches and operating systems that are made effortless.

Support for BYOD: The current working environment might demand Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to your workplace. Since BYOD encourages you to perform personal and professional tasks on a single device, it avoids a lot of hassles in the form of expenses.

When these devices are delivered over the cloud as virtual desktops, EUCs provide a secure ground for organizational data irrespective of the employees’ location.

Security: Regarding safety, the EUC offers a secured infrastructure, where handling multiple devices through third-party services becomes more accessible. This enhances the operation, where data is not spread across various devices and lies in the centralized cloud data centers.

To Sum it up: The future landscape of a productive workplace might demand end-user computing with the perks they carry around. The EUCs are here to alter the horizon with their vital benefits. The benefits can further be enhanced when you outsource your management services to cloud providers like us. For further details, please visit rannsolve.com.

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